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P Works/The old concept G

T.O.C.G 0

Feb - Mar 2012 The Old Concept G

illustration by Ri

The first drawing of 'the old concept G'

the theme of 'the old concept G' is



the old concept G의 첫 그림
the old concept G의 주제는 


'P Works > The old concept G ' 카테고리의 다른 글

T.O.C.G 09  (0) 2017.04.19
T.O.C.G 08  (0) 2017.04.19
T.O.C.G 07  (0) 2017.04.19
T.O.C.G 06  (0) 2017.04.19
T.O.C.G 05  (0) 2017.04.19